Competent Crew and Day Skipper

We sailed with Southern Sailing for our CC and DS practical courses. Based under the Itchen Bridge in Southampton. They have an oldish but sound fleet of Sadler 34s and we sailed the same boat for most of the training weekends (Phoenix). 

James at Southern arranged each of our weekends, and the courses were pretty good - a few suggested improvements, but all in all the training was very good, and the people we sailed with all wanted to sail. We did the courses over two summers (2010 and 2011), and inbetween I did the theory course. This was with First Class Sailing based in an office in central London on Wednesday evenings through the winter finishing with a weekend of revision and tests. It was good to spend the time focusing on learning these basics, but had to go at the speed of the slowest, and could have been completed in a much faster time!

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